Just some of the activities that take place during the week:





MONDAY   - 10 am till Noon - Coffee in The Foyer


                    2.15 pm - Sisterhood


                    7.30 pm - Badminton Club


TUESDAY -  7.30 pm - Meopham Fellowship (NOT at present)


WEDNESDAY - 10 am till Noon - Coffee in The Foyer


THURSDAY -  2.30 pm - Ladies Fellowship  (1st & 3rd Thursday of month)


SATURDAY - 9.00 am - Baby Ballet


                    10.00 am - Coffee Morning - occasional, at present


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays  our Daytime Hub, for the homeless and vunerable,  operates from 10am till 12 noon - click here for details



For more details of any of these activities please use the 'contact form' on this website